Before I can reveal your story I would love for you to hear a glimpse of mine.

Hi, I’m Amber! I am growing and nurturing three smart, empathetic and strong willed children who are currently fighting over the squirt toys in the bathtub as I write this. Each giggle and scream confirms the chaos of this season in my life but one so precious and fast-moving that I can’t help but wonder when the moment will come that our home is still.  

When will they no longer fit like 3 peas in a pod in that bathtub? Will the nostalgia of their wet footprints on the floor or naked cheeks disappearing down the hall one day disappear? It’s these precious, fleeting moments that I wish I had captured more in the beginning years of my journey as a mother. The sole reason I decided to invest in a camera and savor each overlooked moment moving forward. 

I would be honored to highlight what means the most to your family in your season. From the first days home, to joyful family reunions, the love and connection always speaks loudly in our time together. 

I am patient and adventurous during sessions which often leads to impromptu song-singing and the occasional bear hunt. Where there is love, there is memory and I pride myself on taking stress away and making the process easy and light hearted for everyone.

Let’s go explore Colorado’s gorgeous terrain (how lucky are we to live here?) and make lasting memories while we are at it. I can’t wait to meet you! 

Kid's Photo in Bathtub